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BILT Project Kick-off Conference

10-11 July 2019, Bonn, Germany
The UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre held the Kick-off conference for its Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET project on 10-11 July in Bonn, Germany.

The global UNEVOC Network is a strategic resource for inter-regional exchange, TVET policy learning and sharing of good practices. The European cluster has a wealth of expertise, but this expertise is presently underutilized in the UNEVOC Network. Even though there is high demand on learning and the resources developed by institutions are rich, these resources lack visibility and access. The aim of the BILT project is to ensure that UNEVOC Centres exchange experiences and benefit from peer learning across the Network.

The BILT project has evolved over a longer period of time and was substantively co-designed with the input of UNEVOC Centres. Some European UNEVOC Centres first came together in September 2017 for a scoping workshop which aimed to identify the demands and potential interests of the European cluster. Following this workshop, a survey was conducted to have an overview of the engagement interest in different thematic areas within the UNEVOC Network. A second consolidation workshop organized in March 2018 identified the work streams and themes in greater detail, and provided a better idea of UNEVOC Centres which may want to lead and contribute to each individual work stream. This background work led to the definition of the Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET (BILT) initiative, which is funded by the BMBF. The BILT project tackles TVET challenges through peer learning on greening, digitalization/industry 4.0, entrepreneurship, migration, and new qualifications and competencies.

Goals of the Kick-off conference

The goals of the Kick-off Conference were to concretize outputs for different themes, confirm focal points and contributors, and tentatively plan work stream kick-off events, which will initiate the collaborative work of UNEVOC Centres in the BILT project. The thematic group discussions conducted in a World Café format allowed to identify additional UNEVOC Centres with a collaboration interest, gather additional input and to assess the relevance of the proposed actions according to the key criteria for 'BILT actions': transferability and added value of the output.


Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET (BILT) Kick-off Conference

Summary report
This report captures the key outcomes of the BILT Kick-off Conference held at UNESCO-UNEVOC in Bonn, Germany, on 10-11 July 2019.

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The BILT project is implemented by

with support of

and sponsored by

UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1 53113 Bonn, Germany
unevoc.bilt @ unesco.org
via Social Media



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