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Les BILT Learning Labs sont une occasion pour les acteurs de l’EFTP d’explorer des Pratiques d’apprentissage innovantes spécifiques venant d’Afrique, d’Asie-Pacifique et d’Europe.

Ce Learning Lab s'est tenu lors de la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, le 8 mars 2023, de 09:00 à 10:30 UTC+1 (10:00 – 11:30 UTC+2) et s'est consacré à la manière dont Young Africa, une confédération d’ONG détenues et gérées de manière indépendante, vient en aide aux jeunes femmes dans l’EFTP.

Pour regarder la vidéo originale en anglais, cliquez ici.

Young Africa International : transformer la vie des jeunes

Combattre le chômage chez les jeunes est complexe. Par ailleurs, dans le cadre de l’EFTP, nous nous concentrons souvent sur le programme lui-même, oubliant parfois que nos élèves ont des conditions de vie difficiles qui ont un impact sur leur capacité à participer activement. Fondée en 1998, Young Africa International (YAI) s’efforce de combler ces lacunes en soutenant les jeunes qui manquent de ressources familiales, sociétales ou financières.

Young Africa International est l’organisation mère de Young Africa, une alliance d’ONG indépendantes. Le plus grand soutien financier de YAI est le Ministère des affaires étrangères des Pays-Bas, toutefois, l’organisation reçoit également des fonds de tiers et entretient un modèle unique de franchise pour ses centres de formation. Grâce à ce modèle, chaque département de formation professionnelle prend la forme d’une entreprise économiquement viable et autonome, capable de générer des richesses et de créer des emplois pour la communauté locale. L’organisation compte actuellement 9 centres de formation dans 4 pays. Lorsqu’un(e) élève s’inscrit à l’un des 40 programmes de formation disponibles, il/elle apprend non seulement une profession, mais aussi des compétences de vie qui l’aideront à passer à l’âge adulte, notamment une formation aux compétences numériques. Des services de proximité au sein de la communauté sont également disponibles pour les participant(e)s, notamment des services de garderie.

Par ailleurs, YAI a créé des centres « pop-up » (éphémères) au Zimbabwe, en Namibie et au Mozambique pour répondre aux besoins des jeunes ruraux qui disposent d’un accès limité à la formation professionnelle. Au sein de ces centres, les jeunes femmes vulnérables sont mises en relation avec des entrepreneurs locaux et reçoivent une formation dans divers domaines. S’appuyant sur les initiatives continuellement couronnées de succès de YAI, le projet « Enseignement et formation professionnels en ligne pour les jeunes Africains », cofinancé par Erasmus+, SERVE et YAI, permettra d’étendre la portée de l’organisation non seulement au cyberespace, mais aussi à sept autres pays. Grâce au développement d’une plateforme d’apprentissage en ligne (eLearning) et d’une boîte à outils pour les diplômés (Graduate Toolbox), le projet a pour objectif de dépasser les 8 000 élèves d’ici son terme en 2024.

La flexibilité et l’approche holistique quant au bien-être de l’individu permettent à YAI de se développer et de mettre en place des activités basées sur les besoins spécifiques des élèves. Dans cet environnement, les jeunes femmes participant au programme peuvent non seulement s’émanciper, mais elles bénéficient également de chances égales de s’épanouir.

Ordre du jour

Les horaires sont exprimés selon l’heure UTC+1.

8 March 2023

09:00 – 09:10 : Lancement et mot de bienvenue au BILT Learning Lab

  • M Michael Schwarz, Chef adjoint de la division « Services consultatifs internationaux / Coopération avec les institutions partenaires », BIBB
09:10 – 09:20 : Concepts clés et présentation des intervenants

09:20 – 09:30: Résumé

Présentation de Young Africa International

  • M Wellington Muchechetere, Coordinateur Subventions, Young Africa International
09:30 – 10:00 : Discussion de groupe

Grâce à son modèle sur mesure, comment s’efforce Young Africa International d’offrir des opportunités uniques qui soutiennent les femmes dans l’EFTP ?

Modératrice : Mme Jessica Rosenfeld, BIBB

Invités :

  • M Collen Mungani, Responsable du programme Skills2Live, Young Africa Zimbabwe
  • Mme Ennie Chiramba, Coordinatrice projets, Young Africa International
  • Mme Esther Refu, PDG Angles Academy
  • Mme Yvonne Buluka, diplômée du programme Développement de la petite enfance, Young Africa Zimbabwe
10:00 –10:25 Session de questions/réponses en direct

  • Tous les participants
Modératrice : Mme Jessica Rosenfeld, BIBB

10:25 – 10:30 Clôture

  • M Michael Schwarz, Chef adjoint de la division « Services consultatifs internationaux / Coopération avec les institutions partenaires », BIBB


Mr Wellington Muchechetere, Grants Coordinator, Young Africa International

Mr Wellington Muchechetere is a Grants Coordinator at Young Africa International and he has been responsible for coordinating all of YA programmes and projects for the past 4 years. He is a project management professional with over 12 years of project management and over 8 years of grants management (4 years of USAID projects) experience, highlighting a track record of successfully closing 97% of the grants coordinated and achieving an average of over 85% of Key Performance Indicators during the process. Mr Muchechetere is highly proficient in designing developmental and humanitarian projects involving young people, adolescent girls and young women and broadly, vulnerable and marginalized groups of people. He has experience managing projects in the field of education, more specifically in vocational training, health, child protection, nutrition, livelihood, and youth empowerment, funded by donors such as USAID, EU, FCDO, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and GIZ, among others. He also has an impressive record of leading research teams in conducting baseline, mid-term, endline, market and feasibility studies.

Mr Muchechetere holds an Advanced Master’s in International Development from Radboud University, Master’s and Bachelor's degrees in Development Studies from Midlands State University, and a postgraduate diploma in Child Sensitive Social Policies from the Zimbabwe Women’s University. Additionally, he has several certifications in project management, monitoring and evaluation, resource mobilization and data analysis. The passion and desire to make the world a better place is the driving force behind the numerous milestones he has achieved.

Mr Collen Mungani, Skills2Live Programme Manager, Young Africa Zimbabwe

Mr Collen Mungani is the Skills2Live Programme Manager with Young Africa Zimbabwe. The Skills2Live programme (2021-2026) is currently in Phase II, and is run in partnership with Frontline AIDS, IOM Mozambique, and Ideialab, with funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands through its Embassy in Maputo. Mr Mugani is responsible for youth empowerment for employment and entrepreneurship. He is a community development practitioner with 15 years of experience prior to joining Young Africa.

Mr Mugani began working on the Skills2Live project in its pilot phase back in 2019, and has served as the Programme Manager since January 2021. He is responsible for coordination of all project planning, implementation and budget management for both centre-based training and mobile training. Additionally, he is responsible for direct training and post training support to graduates. This includes setting up Youth Economic Booths, Internal Savings and Lending Schemes methodology training (culminating in the setting up of ISALS groups), graduate follow-ups (to assess the levels of economic activities they are engaged in), support in product development, value addition and diversification, plus linking graduates with potential employers and markets for products.

Ms Ennie Chiramba, Projects Coordinator, Young Africa International

Ms Ennie Chiramba is a Projects Coordinator at Young Africa International, responsible for Zimbabwe and Namibia donor-funded projects. She is a certified agile projects management practitioner with over 10 years of experience in project management and skills development. She holds a Master’s in Development Studies with a specialization in Community Development and additional qualifications in humanitarian work. Ms Chiramba has vast experience in youth social and economic transformation through skills training. Having worked in Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia empowering youths, her satisfaction comes from youths claiming their space in local economies.

Ms Esther Refu, Entrepreneur, CEO of Angles Academy

Esther Refu is a distinguished Early Childhood Development (ECD) franchisee with 22 years of experience working in the education sector. She has served at Young Africa Zimbabwe for 22 years as an ECD Franchisee. Her services include providing ECD training to young people and running day care facilities at the Young Africa Chitungwiza Campus. She has been instrumental in ensuring that young nursing mothers participate in training. This has been done with the aim of ensuring that young mothers are not hindered from attending courses, through the provision of child-friendly day care facilities. Esther Refu is a member of the Zimbabwe Peace Institute (ZIMPI), and she is also a part-time lecturer at Midlands State University. She is passionate about women’s empowerment and facilitation of spaces for women’s professional development.

Ms Yvonne Buluka, Graduate of the Early Childhood Development Programme

Ms Yvonne Buluka began studying Early Childhood Development in Young Africa Zimbabwe in January 2022. Ms Buluka completed her course of study in November 2022 and graduated in December of the same year. After graduation, she was offered permanent employment in the pre-school where she had spent her attachment. Ms Buluka grew up as an orphan in the rural areas in Mutare and managed to complete her A’ Levels because a well-wisher had paid her fees. Unfortunately, she had no way to pay for university. Young Africa offered her a place at the hostels so she would not miss her training sessions due to the transportation costs . She says she is grateful to Young Africa and the Skills2Live project which has given her a skill plus sexual reproductive health training, which has helped her live an informed life with discipline and power to make decisions about her own sexuality. As a female graduate, Yvonne was highly empowered by life skills, sexual reproductive health and entrepreneurship. She is now earning a decent salary and is also a member of a viable Internal Savings and Lending Scheme group that is helping to sustain their poultry project, an initiative they started after their entrepreneurship training at YAI.

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