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Domaines thématiques: Inclusion et jeunes | Innovation et avenir de l'EFTP | Engagement du secteur privé | Les ODD et l'écologisation de l'EFTP
Nos programmes et projets clés: BILT: Connecter innovation et apprentissage | Renforcer la résilience de l’EFTP | Programme pour le leadership en EFTP | Journée mondiale des compétences des jeunes
Activités passées: Réponse COVID-19 | i-hubs: Former des pôles d'innovation | Forums mondiaux de l'EFTP | Conférences virtuelles | YEM Portail de connaissances


Nos services et ressources: Publications | Forum TVET | Profils nationaux d'EFTP | Glossaire TVETipedia | Pratiques prometteuses | Toolkits for TVET Providers | Formation à l’entrepreneuriat
Journal et événements: Grandes Manifestations EFTP | Journal UNEVOC


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Continuing vocational education and training (CVET)

Learning carried out after initial education or training – or after entry into working life – which aims to: improve or update knowledge, know-how and skills (upskilling); acquire new skills for a career move (retraining/reskilling); support professional development.


Continuing vocational education and training:

  • is part of adult learning oriented towards professional development;
  • is crucial for employability of individuals, irrespective of age, level of qualification and employment situation; is an essential part of lifelong learning. Its scope and content is largely related to non-formal and informal learning, undertaken to improve skills;
  • is delivered by a diversity of providers within and outside formal education and training, in the private and public sectors. It is often based on work-based learning;
  • covers a broad range of skills, either job-specific or transversal.
Cedefop, Glossary. Terminology of European education and training policy, (accessed 03/2023)

Education or training after initial education or entry into working life aimed at helping individuals to improve or update their knowledge and/or skills, acquire new skills for a career move or retraining, or continue their personal and professional development.

NCVER (Australia), VOCEDplus: Glossary of VET, (accessed 12/2022)

(Continuing vocational training)

A training process or activity which has as its primary objective the acquisition of new competences or the development and improvement of existing ones, and which is financed at least partly by the enterprises for their employees, who either have a working contract or who benefit directly from their work for the enterprise, such as unpaid family workers and casual workers. The training processes or activities must be planned in advance and must be organised or supported with the special goal of learning.

National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy (commissioned by the EU), European Adult Learning Glossary level 1, 2011

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