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YEM Project Knowledge Resources

Here you can find UNESCO publications developed as part of the YEM Project.


Publisher/s:  UNESCO
Published:  2021
Standard copyright - All rights reserved

Skills and Jobs in the Future. Labour Market Skills Forecasting in Israel.

Validation Seminar, July 20, 2021

Significant technological changes, accompanied by developments in the fields of society, economics and demographics, are expected to change several aspects in the labour market in future decades, and affect future professions market, their composition and demands. While Israel shared most of the international concern on the future labour markets, the economy and society of Israel has some unique social and economic characteristics which must be addressed: (1) Israel has a high fertility rate and an unusually high rate of population growth. (2) Israel is a society of immigrants, absorbing continuous waves of immigrations. (3) Israel has a leading high-technology sector (4) Israel society is characterized by high economic inequality.

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