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Author/s:  Nick Sofroniou
Published:  2016

UNESCO-UNEVOC virtual conference: Greening TVET in the context of climate change policy developments

2 - 13 November 2015

The virtual conference gathered input from the UNESCO-UNEVOC TVeT Forum community over a two-week period prior to UNFCCC COP21, providing engaging insights and shared experiences to reflect on and carry into the future.

A hundred and thirty participants from 57 countries participated in the virtual conference; 37 from Africa, 8 from Arab States, 28 from Asia and the Pacific, 36 from Europe and North America, and 21 from Latin America and the Caribbean. Fifty three participants, accounting for 41% of participants, were female. The diversity of participants reflected the global nature of the UNESCO-UNEVOC TVeT forum and ensured a wide range of perspectives on the topic.

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European Union

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UNESCO Education Sector
Section for Youth, Literacy and Skills Development
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris France

UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre
UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53173 Bonn, Germany



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