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Entrepreneurship in TVET

Key facts

'1-career 1-lifetime' model is disrupted by technology, half of current work tasks will disappear due to automation.

WEF, 2020

With the number of small and single employer businesses on the rise, SMEs represent about 90% of businesses and more than 50% of employment worldwide.

World Bank, 2020

The creative economy is projected to reach around 10% of global GDP, with the cultural and creative industries employing more people aged 15-29 than any other sector. Nearly half of the people working in these industries are women.

World Bank, 2020

BILT approach

BILT puts a focus on the importance of building entrepreneurial competencies and mindsets in TVET learners. The project is facilitating knowledge exchange on reimagining approaches to the identification of new qualifications and competencies, to dedicate more attention to generic skills and developing flexible, transferable, and learning-oriented skills and attitudes. Some of these competencies, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, active learning, and creativity are increasingly sought after by industries (WEF 2020).

Embedding entrepreneurial learning in TVET requires development of curricula that provide learners with real-life, active learning experiences. The institutions of the BILT community reflect on how to effectively implement new curriculum areas such as entrepreneurship education, which can be positioned as a cross-curricular subject, integrated into other subjects, or introduced as a standalone curriculum unit. This requires particular teaching approaches as well as changes to school organization and culture.

BILT Approach

Innovation and Learning Practice 'Innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives', Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore implements a fundamental innovation and entrepreneurship curriculum for all students replicable by other institutions.


Considering persistently high rates of youth unemployment worldwide, entrepreneurship is increasingly seen as an engine for economic growth and job creation in the 21st century. The self-entrepreneur is a creative thinker and an innovator, who is prepared to take risks, learn from their mistakes and make bold decisions (UNEVOC, 2020). TVET institutions of the BILT community are actively seeking strategies to unlock the innovation potential of future entrepreneurs. The establishment of incubation hubs such as FabLabs and Maker Spaces are an illustration of the support that TVET can provide to learners.

Makerspace training center project

Innovation and Learning Practice 'Makerspace training centre project', Gearbox, Kenya provides young Kenyan inventors with manufacturing equipment and training to realize their concepts.


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The BILT project is implemented by

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UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1 53113 Bonn, Germany
unevoc.bilt @ unesco.org
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