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Capacity-building webinars on entrepreneurial learning in TVET

UNESCO-UNEVOC and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education and Skills (BMBWF) jointly organized a series of webinars on Entrepreneurial learning in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) on 29 September, 13 October and 2 December 2021. The three webinars focused on ‘Understanding the basic concepts and initial assessment of entrepreneurial learning in your institution’, ‘Initiating and strengthening entrepreneurial learning in TVET’, and ‘Steps that institutions can take to promote entrepreneurial learning’.

Entrepreneurial learning offers a realistic and effective means to develop the transferable skills and innovative mindsets needed in the changing world of work and improves learners’ capabilities to manage disruptions and challenges. TVET institutions have a key role to play in equipping young people with these entrepreneurial skills and mindsets.

In 2020, UNESCO-UNEVOC published Entrepreneurial learning for TVET institutions: a practical guide (a web-based version was launched in 2021). The guide advises TVET institutions on how to introduce entrepreneurial learning where it is lacking and how to mainstream it in TVET programmes. It does so by proposing the Entrepreneurial Learning Institution Canvas (ELIC) as a tool to conceptualize, plan and integrate entrepreneurial learning in TVET. The ELIC consists of 12 steps and each step includes key questions, checklists and exercises.

This series of webinars reinforced UNESCO-UNEVOC’s existing work in this area by offering interactive sessions structured around the ELIC. Facilitators from BMBWF (UNEVOC Centre) and UNESCO-UNEVOC engaged with trainers and managers from TVET institutions, as well as TVET stakeholders from ministries and national bodies. Thirty-eight participants from UNEVOC Centres in Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mauritius and Nigeria took part in the programme. While this capacity-building programme targeted UNEVOC Centres in Africa, there are plans to expand the training to other regions of the UNEVOC Network.

Each webinar was led by Johannes Lindner, Head of the Centre for Entrepreneurship Education at University Teacher College Vienna/Krems, and main author of Entrepreneurial learning for TVET institutions: A practical guide. In the first webinar, the key components of the ELIC were presented and participants were guided through an interactive exercise to assess the level of entrepreneurial learning at their own institutions. The subsequent webinars explained how institutions could align their strategies and the ELIC to national priorities and offered an in-depth look at the worksheets, activities and templates contained in the practical guide.

The capacity-building webinars equipped participants with a comprehensive blueprint to mainstream entrepreneurial learning in TVET across all levels and in a range of institutional contexts.

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UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre
UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53173 Bonn, Germany
Tel. +49 228 8150 100

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