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Arab Qualification Framework for Higher Education (ANQAHE Model) (AQF)

The Arab countries, by virtue of their common language and geographical proximity, are developing an Arab Qualification Framework (AQF). The objective in developing the AQF model is to provide a common reference point and guidance for ANQAHE members engaged in developing or modifying qualifications frameworks, relevant to the qualifications awarded in their universities and colleges of higher education.

The level of detail provided in the AQF goes beyond that required for a translational framework and thus it could be used to inform and guide the de novo development of national frameworks within the Arab Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. The common language and concepts used in the AQF, and the range of qualifications embraced within the levels, should facilitate easier alignment of national frameworks across the region. With introduction of the AQF an appreciation of the common characteristics of qualifications awarded in higher education will be helpful in creating an overarching framework to accommodate both similarities and differences within national systems.

View also: Overview of Regional Qualifications Frameworks

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