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Nos programmes et projets clés: BILT: Connecter innovation et apprentissage | Renforcer la résilience de l’EFTP | Programme pour le leadership en EFTP | Journée mondiale des compétences des jeunes
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ISCED-T 2021

The International Standard Classification of Teacher Training Programmes (ISCED-T 2021) is a framework for assembling, compiling, and analysing cross-nationally comparable statistics on teacher training programmes and the related teacher qualifications.

ISCED-T is based on the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), which serves to classify education programmes and the related qualifications by education levels and fields. ISCED-T complements ISCED with additional dimensions for the classification of teacher training programmes according to internationally agreed categories.

ISCED-T was adopted at the 41st session of UNESCO General Conference in November 2021. Following this, the UIS has prepared an implementation plan which reflects the suggestions received from the General Conference. The implementation plan, which includes a data collection strategy, will start in the last quarter of 2022.

ISCED-T is expected to lead to more reliable and comparable statistics on teacher training programmes, which in turn will support the monitoring of global goals and targets and ultimately increase the provision of quality and equitable education for all.

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