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Compétences pour le travail et la vie

Domaines thématiques: Inclusion et jeunes | Innovation et avenir de l'EFTP | Engagement du secteur privé | Les ODD et l'écologisation de l'EFTP
Nos programmes et projets clés: BILT: Connecter innovation et apprentissage | Renforcer la résilience de l’EFTP | Programme pour le leadership en EFTP | Journée mondiale des compétences des jeunes
Activités passées: Réponse COVID-19 | i-hubs: Former des pôles d'innovation | Forums mondiaux de l'EFTP | Conférences virtuelles | YEM Portail de connaissances


Nos services et ressources: Publications | Forum TVET | Profils nationaux d'EFTP | Glossaire TVETipedia | Pratiques prometteuses | Toolkits for TVET Providers | Formation à l’entrepreneuriat
Journal et événements: Grandes Manifestations EFTP | Journal UNEVOC


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Industry 5.0

In order to remain the engine of prosperity, industry must lead the digital and green transitions.

This approach provides a vison of industry that aims beyond efficiency and productivity as the sole goals, and reinforces the role and the contribution of industry to society.

It places the wellbeing of the worker at the centre of the production process and uses new technologies to provide prosperity beyond jobs and growth while respecting the production limits of the planet.

It complements the existing "Industry 4.0" approach by specifically putting research and innovation at the service of the transition to a sustainable, human-centric and resilient European industry.

(view also Education 5.0)

Industry 5.0 is still in development. It is expected to focus on collaboration between humans and machines to empower people to fully utilize their skills and make work safer, more efficient, and more meaningful. Industry 5.0 will also mean the introduction of even more advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and robotics, which can support and complement humans in new ways.

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