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International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)

ISCED is designed to serve as a framework to classify educational activities as defined in programmes and the resulting qualifications into internationally agreed categories. The basic concepts and definitions of ISCED are therefore intended to be internationally valid and comprehensive of the full range of education systems.

For more information on ISCED please see the Publications section of the UNESCO-UIS website featuring:

Correspondence between ISCED 2011 and ISCED 1997

Compared to ISCED 1997 which had seven levels of education, ISCED 2011 has nine education levels, from level 0 to level 8 (tertiary education is more detailed).

  • ISCED 1997 level 5 is split up into levels 5-7 in ISCED 2011
  • ISCED 1997 level 6 is level 8 in ISCED 2011.
See: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=International_Standard_Classification_of_Education_(ISCED)

UIS, ISCED 2011 (International Standard Classification of Education), 2012

A classification system that provides a framework for the comprehensive statistical description of national educational systems and a methodology that translates national educational programmes into internationally comparable levels of education. The basic unit of classification in ISCED is the educational programme. ISCED also classifies programmes by field of study, programme orientation and destination.

UNESCO, Terminology of Technical and Vocational Education, 1984

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