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Labour market intelligence (LMI)

Labour market information vs intelligence

These two terms – often used interchangeably – refer to data related to LM phenomena and dynamics that are useful for supporting decision-making, policy design and evaluation. However, it is not clear from the use of LMI whether I stands for Information or Intelligence.

Specifically, I as Information describes all kinds of data and information used to support operational activities related to the LM (no analytics) as well as any information related to LM demand and supply (view Labour market information. Examples include job vacancy postings, skills, occupations and job applicants’ CVs.

By contrast, I as Intelligence is an emerging concept in the whole LM community, especially in the European Union (EU). Although there is no unified definition of LM intelligence, it can be described as the design and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms and frameworks to analyse data related to the LM (aka Labour Market Information) for supporting policy and decision-making.

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