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TVETipedia Glossary

Find and compare definitions of key terms in TVET


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The process of comparing an organization’s performance, practices and procedures with those of leaders in the same or a different field of activity, in order to identify areas for improvement.

UNESCO-UNEVOC/NCVER, TVET glossary: some key terms, 2009

Practices that enable us to make mutually intelligible and useful judgements about the comparative value of qualifications.

SADC, Glossary, 2011

Process of comparing an organization’s or company’s best practices to that of other organizations or companies using objective and subjective criteria. The process compares programs and strategic positions of competitors of exemplary organizations to those in the company reviewing its status for use as reference points in the formation of organization decisions and objectives. Comparing how an organization or company performs a specific activity with methods of a competitor or some other organization doing the same thing is a way to identify the best practice and to learn how to lower costs, reduce defects, increase quality, or improve outcomes linked to organization or company excellence. Source: (Business Encyclopedia)

TESDA (Philippines), TVET glossary of terms (online), (accessed 12/2022)

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