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TVETipedia Glossary

Find and compare definitions of key terms in TVET


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The activity of guiding, advising or counselling a learner.

ILO, Glossary of Key Terms on Learning and Training for Work, 2006

  • teaching and training personnel. (ILO)
  • a long term, relationship-oriented approach in developing employees by providing support and expertise in learning skills. (Memorandum No. 209, s. of 2020) (TESDA-OP-AS-01)
  • the act or process of helping and giving advice to a younger or less experienced person, especially in a job or at school (Cambridge Dictionary, cited in TESDA Circular No. 089, s. 2021)
TESDA (Philippines), TVET glossary of terms (online), (accessed 12/2022)

Any support provided to a young person or novice (someone joining a new learning community or organisation) by an experienced person who acts as a role model, guide, tutor, coach or confidante.


In lifelong guidance, mentoring covers various activities:

  • education and training (to help individuals take educational, vocational decisions and carry them out before and after they enter the labour market);
  • lifelong guidance (to assist individuals to explore, pursue and attain their career goals);
  • personal development (to help individuals manage their life paths).
This term is close to, but not synonymous with: tutoring.


Bolton, 1980; Cedefop

Cedefop, Glossary. Terminology of European education and training policy, (accessed 03/2023)

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