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Transnational qualifications framework for the VUSSC (TQF)

The TQF is defined as: A translation instrument for the classification of Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) qualifications according to set criteria for specified levels of learning achieved to improve credit transfer and promote common accreditation mechanisms between participating VUSSC countries.

The TQF has been approved as a unified qualifications framework that includes higher education qualifications and post-secondary technical and vocational qualifications offered through the VUSSC. It is noteworthy that the TQF is first and foremost a translation instrument, thus not intending to replace any existing sectoral, national or regional qualifications frameworks or quality assurance systems. The TQF is designed to rather provide a means by which different frameworks can be compared, linked and related. The TQF, as translation and relational instrument, rely heavily on existing national standards development processes and quality assurance systems, while only providing an alternative where a country has no such systems, or in some cases, where the country prefers to implement the broader transnational criteria.

View also: Overview of Regional Qualifications Frameworks

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