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TVETipedia Glossary

Find and compare definitions of key terms in TVET


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Core skills

The four categories of core skills that constitute the Global framework on core skills for life and work in the 21st century are:

  • Social and emotional skills
  • Cognitive and metacognitive skills
  • Basic digital skills
  • Basic skills for green jobs

(also work/soft/life/transferable skills)

The core skills for life and work in the 21st Century is a set of non-technical skills, such as social and emotional, cognitive and metacognitive, basic digital skills and basic skills for green jobs, transferable across occupations and professions, as well as between low- and high-level jobs. Both core skills and technical skills are required by individuals, if they are to become employable, manage their careers in a fast-changing world of work, use digital technology at work and in everyday life, achieve life goals and contribute to their own well-being and that of their community.

(or core work skills)

A set of nontechnical skills, such as soft, social and emotional, cognitive and metacognitive skills, basic skills, including literacy and numeracy, digital literacy and numeracy, and basic environmental awareness, transferable across occupations and jobs.

ILO, Changing demand for skills in digital economies and societies: Literature review and case studies from low- and middle-income countries. (Glossary on pp. 12-13), 2021

(core skills and competences)

Ability to understand, speak, read and write language(s), to work with numbers and measures and use digital devices and applications.


- Core skills and competences represent the foundation for interacting with others and for developing and learning as an individual;

- they are one of the six categories of transversal skills of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO):

  • core skills and competences;
  • thinking skills and competences;
  • self-management skills and competences;
  • social and communication skills and competences;
  • physical and manual skills and competences;
  • life skills and competences;
- core skills and competences consist of three clusters:

  • mastering languages;
  • working with numbers and measures;
  • working with digital devices and applications;
- in the literature, core skills and competences are also referred to as basic skills;

- this term is close to, but not synonymous with: key competences.

Source: European Commission and Cedefop, 2021

Cedefop, Glossary. Terminology of European education and training policy, (accessed 03/2023)

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