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TVETipedia Glossary

Find and compare definitions of key terms in TVET


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Flexible learning

The provision of learning opportunities that can be accessed at any place and time. Flexible learning relates more to the scheduling of activities than to any particular delivery mode.

The provision of a range of learning modes or methods giving learners greater choice of when, where and how they learn.

NCVER (Australia), VOCEDplus: Glossary of VET, (accessed 12/2022)

Education and training that responds to learners’ needs and preferences. Flexible learning offers learners choices about how, where and when they learn with the aim of supporting motivation and persistence particularly when attendance at a college or centre is difficult, e.g. rural learners; adults with multiple responsibilities or health problems. ICT-based communication between students and teacher is a common feature of flexible learning, but it can also include physical meetings between students and teachers.

EU, European Adult Learning Glossary, Level 2, 2010

Flexible Learning is the provision of more choices to the learners in terms of when, where and how they learn. Flexible learning may include use of online learning, workplace-based learning, part-time learning, distance learning, and many forms of face-to-face teaching and learning with options to fast track and defer courses.

COL, Open and distance learning: key terms and definitions, 2015 (revised 2020)

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