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TVETipedia Glossary

Find and compare definitions of key terms in TVET


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Formal training

Training that is given in an orderly, logical, planned and systematic manner in a specially equipped workshop under the guidance of a qualified trainer for a specific period of time in the specified field.

NCVER (Australia), VOCEDplus: Glossary of VET, (accessed 12/2022)

1. Training in which the role of the learners and the teachers is defined and in which one party has the responsibility for training the other.

2. Training that is provided in a training establishment rather than independently or on-the-job.

Ministry of Labour, VTC, Department of statistics, National Centre of Human Resources, Glossary of selected terminology: The labour market and vocational education and training - Occupational safety and health. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 2005 - Not available online

Instruction given in education and training institutions or specially designed training areas, including enterprises in formal apprenticeship systems. Training is structured and systematic, and follows pre-defined content and precise learning objectives.

ILO, Upgrading informal apprenticeship: A resource guide for Africa, 2012

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