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TVETipedia Glossary

Find and compare definitions of key terms in TVET


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Quality assurance

Processes involved with ensuring that relevant standards and requirements for teaching, learning, assessment, and management have been met in accordance with legal and or organisational requirements.

The processes of ensuring that specified standards or requirements for teaching, learning, education administration, assessment and the recording of achievements have been met.

SAQA (South Africa), TVET Standard Glossary of Terms, 2013

Ways in which evidence for qualification is collected, interpreted and used, it has both a disciplinary and developmental role, attempting to overcome the conventionally recognised difficulty of nurturing and judging performance at the same time.

SADC, Glossary, 2011

Quality assurance encompasses any activity that is concerned with assessing and improving the merit or the worth of a development intervention or its compliance with given standards. Note: examples of quality assurance activities include appraisal, RBM, reviews during implementation, evaluations, etc. Quality assurance may also refer to the assessment of the quality of a portfolio and its development effectiveness.

OECD, Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management, 2002 (republished 2010)

Processes and procedures for ensuring that qualifications, assessment and programme delivery meet certain standards.

ILO, An Introductory Guide to National Qualifications Frameworks, 2007

Is defined as a planned and systematic pattern of all actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that the product, its components, packaging, and labeling are acceptable for their intended use. Whereas the term certification is the authoritative act of determining compliance with agreed requirements.

Source: (TESDA Circular No. 090 s. 2018)

TESDA (Philippines), TVET glossary of terms (online), (accessed 12/2022)

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