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Unemployment as defined according to the international standards requires that a person meet three criteria for inclusion: they (a) did not work in the reference period; (b) were available to take up a job had one been offered in the week prior to the reference period; and (c) actively sought work within the past 30 days (for example, by registering at an employment centre or answering a job advertisement). The difference between the "relaxed" definition of unemployment (also known as "broad unemployment") and the "strict" definition is in the relaxation of the "seeking work" criterion (c), so that "relaxed" unemployment is defined as the number of youth who did not work in the reference week but are available to work. According to the international standards, the seeking work criterion may be relaxed "in situations where the conventional means of seeking work are of limited relevance, where the labour market is largely unorganized or of limited scope, where labour absorption is, at the time, inadequate or where the labour force is largely self-employed".

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