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Compétences pour le travail et la vie

Domaines thématiques: Inclusion et jeunes | Innovation et avenir de l'EFTP | Engagement du secteur privé | Les ODD et l'écologisation de l'EFTP
Nos programmes et projets clés: BILT: Connecter innovation et apprentissage | Renforcer la résilience de l’EFTP | Programme pour le leadership en EFTP | Journée mondiale des compétences des jeunes
Activités passées: Réponse COVID-19 | i-hubs: Former des pôles d'innovation | Forums mondiaux de l'EFTP | Conférences virtuelles | YEM Portail de connaissances


Nos services et ressources: Publications | Forum TVET | Profils nationaux d'EFTP | Glossaire TVETipedia | Pratiques prometteuses | Toolkits for TVET Providers | Formation à l’entrepreneuriat
Journal et événements: Grandes Manifestations EFTP | Journal UNEVOC

TVETipedia Glossary

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The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) was established in 1975 in Greece as an agency of the European Union. Cedefop's mission is to:

"Support the promotion, development and implementation of the Union policy in the field of vocational education and training (VET) as well as skills and qualifications policies by working together with the Commission, Member States and social partners. To this end, enhance and disseminate knowledge, provide evidence and services for policy-making, including research-based conclusions, and facilitate knowledge sharing among and between Union and national actors.


The launch of systematic European VET cooperation in 2002 (the so-called Copenhagen process) has led to agreement on common policy objectives supported by indicators and regular monitoring. A set of European tools supporting mobility of learners, quality of VET programmes and the understanding of qualifications have been implemented. Countries have worked on common priorities to make VET more relevant and attractive to people and employers. Overall, European cooperation has raised VET’s profile, enabling it to support the transformations in the economy and society, including the digital and green transitions."

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