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TVETipedia Glossary

Find and compare definitions of key terms in TVET


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Unit in which the successful completion of courses or modules is earned and documented during and at the end of an education programme. Credits express the volume of learning based on a typical workload needed to achieve the expected learning objectives.

UIS, ISCED 2011 (International Standard Classification of Education), 2012

The acknowledgement and granting of credit to a person who has satisfied the requirements of a course or a module or a unit of competency in a training programme either through previous study (credit transfer) or through work or life experience (Recognition of Prior Learning RPL) and accordingly exempting the trainee / student from that part of the training programme.

UNESCO-UNEVOC/NCVER, TVET glossary: some key terms, 2009

A measure of the volume of learning required for a qualification or part qualification, quantified as the number of notional study hours required for achieving the learning outcomes specified for the qualification or part qualification. One credit is equated to 10 notional hours of learning.

SAQA (South Africa), TVET Standard Glossary of Terms, 2013

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