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See also Competency.

For the difference between skills and competence/competency please see the entry Skills vs. Competence.

The application of knowledge and skills in context which is described using learning outcomes.

Comment: Influenced by the competency-based approach used in the vocational sector. Main types of competences include affective, core and applied.

UNESCO, Level-setting and recognition of learning outcomes: The use of level descriptors in the twenty-first century, 2015

Demonstrated ability to use knowledge, know-how, experience, and – job-related, personal, social or methodological – skills, in work or study situations and in professional and personal development.


Competence is not limited to cognitive elements (involving the use of theory, concepts or tacit knowledge); it also encompasses functional aspects – including technical skills – as well as interpersonal attributes (e.g. social or organisational skills) and ethical values.

Cedefop, Glossary. Terminology of European education and training policy, (accessed 03/2023)

Ability to mobilise and use internal resources such as knowledge, skills and attitude, as well as external resources such as databases, colleagues, peers, libraries, instruments etc., to solve specific problems efficiently in real life situations.

UIS, Glossary, (accessed 12/2022)

Competence includes responsibility and autonomy required for competent performance in the workplace. (documents/projectdocumentation/wcms_645065.pdf Gasskov, 2018, 6).

Competence means the ability to use knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to perform work activities and to achieve expected results (PRISTINA, 2011) within a given timeframe.

ILO, Skills recognition mechanisms for selected occupational profiles of migrant workers in Ethiopia, Kenya and South Africa, 2022

The proven or demonstrated individual capacity to use know-how, skills, qualifications or knowledge in order to meet the usual, and changing, occupational situations and requirements.

UNESCO, Terminology of Technical and Vocational Education, 1984

The ability, encompassing know-how, skills and attitudes of an individual to perform adequately in a job.

ILO, Glossary of Key Terms on Learning and Training for Work, 2006

Competences indicate a satisfactory state of knowledge, skills and attitudes and the ability to apply them in a variety of situations.

European Commission, Validation of Non-formal MOOC-based Learning, 2016

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