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See also Competence.

For the difference between skills and competence/competency please see the entry Skills vs. Competence.

Competency is the ability to apply and use a set of related skills, knowledge, and abilities to successfully perform functions or tasks in a defined work setting.

An individual's demonstrated ability to undertake tasks and duties to the standard expected in a job or in an occupation.

ILO, Glossary of Key Terms on Learning and Training for Work, 2006

The consistent application of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance required in the workplace. It embodies the ability to transfer and apply skills and knowledge to new situations and environments.

  • the acquired knowledge, skills and attitude in accordance to the standard performance in the workplace.
  • the possession and application of knowledge, skills and attitudes to the standard of performance required in the workplace (TESDA Circular No. 059, s. 2020)
  • the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required for the performance and is conducted by the supervisor. (TESDA-OP-AS-01)
  • the observable and vital knowledge, skills and attitude which are translation of capabilities deemed essential for organizational success. (CSC Competency Model Building Intervention, as cited in TESDA Circular No. 119 s. 2019)
TESDA (Philippines), TVET glossary of terms (online), (accessed 12/2022)

Competency is defined as the individual’s ability to use, apply and demonstrate a group of related awareness, knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to perform, successfully and safely, all tasks and duties included in a specific occupation and which can be measured against well-accepted standards (levels) required in employment as well as assessed against provided evidences at work location. The competency affects both individual’s job responsibility and performance on the job and usually fall into two categories, namely technical and behavioral.

The key aspects of the definition of competency are:

  1. Any job / occupation can be effectively and sufficiently described in terms of the tasks that individuals can perform in a specific occupation.
  2. All tasks have direct implications for the awareness, knowledge, skill, and attitude competencies required to be acquired by an individual working in a specific occupation in order to perform the tasks correctly and safely.
  3. Assessment is made on provided evidences and how the individual is actually performing work.
  4. An individual is incompetent no matter how much competencies the individual has, as long as the individual can’t apply those competencies appropriately at work location.
  5. The assessment must be objective by conducting it against defined Competency Standards (Levels).
  6. The definition of competency implies a more formal, objective process of assessing performance by clearly knowing what is being assessed and how it is assessed.
M. Wahba (TVET consultant), Glossary of Terms for TVET, Assessment and Verification, 2013

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