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Author/s:  UNESCO-UNEVOC (ed.)
Éditeur:  UNESCO-UNEVOC; Bundesministeirum für Bildung und Forschung
Publié:  2005 in Bonn, Germany
ISBN:  3-00-016621-1
ULC:  UNEVOC Library Catalogue ID 2296, 3987

UNESCO International Experts Meeting: Learning for Work, Citizenship and Sustainability. Final Report

Bonn, Germany, 25-28 October 2004
English | Français

In October 2004, UNESCO hosted an International Experts Meeting as part of a five-year review of progress since the Second International Congress on Technical and Vocational Education, in co-operation with the German Federal Ministry of Education and Reseach (BMBF). As a "Category 6" UNESCO meeting, participants were invited experts rather than representatives of Member States, and the deliberations and conclusions of the meeting deemed as advice to the Director-General for consideration and presentation of the Executive Board of UNESCO for further action. A total number of 122 technical and vocational education experts from 50 countries and representatives from 18 UN agencies and intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations attended this important meeting. The focus of the Meeting was an assessment of the extent, and ways in which, the recommendations on TVET from the Seoul Congress are being implemented by UNESCO Member States with particular reference to the three themes of:

1. Learning for Skills Development

2. The Transition to the World of Work

3. TVET for Sustainable Development

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