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Author/s:  Leon Tikly, Rupert Maclean, Margarita Pavlova, Christopher Winch, Stephen Billett, Richard Sweet, Jeanne Gamble, A. G. Watts, Aboubakr Abdeen Badawi, Darol Cavanagh, Greg Shaw, Li Wang
Publié:  2013 in Bonn, Germany
ISBN online:  978-92-95071-57-5

Revisiting global trends in TVET: Reflections on theory and practice

The essays presented in this e-publication are complementary to the UNESCO forthcoming volume on global TVET trends and issues in UNESCO’s new Education on the Move series. Just like the latter, they cover a wide, although certainly not exhaustive, range of current practices, ideas and debates in the field of technical and vocational education and training (TVET). They come at a time when the importance and value of TVET is being increasingly recognized in the context of lifelong learning in a globalized world, by UNESCO and other national, regional and global stakeholders in education and international development.

Chapter 1: Reconceptualizing TVET and development: a human capability and social justice approach by Leon Tikly

Chapter 2: Vocationalization of secondary and higher education: pathways to the world of work by Rupert Maclean and Margarita Pavlova

Chapter 3: The attractiveness of TVET by Christopher Winch

Chapter 4: Learning through practice: beyond informal and towards a framework for learning through practice by Stephen Billett

Chapter 5: Work-based learning: Why? How? by Richard Sweet

Chapter 6: Why improved formal teaching and learning are important in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) by Jeanne Gamble

Chapter 7: Career guidance and orientation by A. G. Watts

Chapter 8: TVET and entrepreneurship skills by Aboubakr Abdeen Badawi

Chapter 9: Technical and vocational education and training, and skills development for rural transformation by Darol Cavanagh, Greg Shaw and Li Wang

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