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Publié:  2024 in Viet Nam

Digital Change Expert

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a catalyst for digitalization in schools. However, it has also exposed the need for more concepts, systematic introductions and didactic approaches for using digital tools in education. This capacity-building project aims to equip several ‘Digital Change Experts’ in vocational schools in Viet Nam with competencies that enable them to play an active role in the digital development of the institution.

Many schools have adopted online platforms, applications and devices to facilitate remote learning but they need a clear vision, strategy or pedagogy for integrating them into the curriculum and the classroom. As a result, the quality and effectiveness of digital education vary widely across schools and teachers, and many students face challenges such as digital exclusion, lack of motivation and learning loss. It is essential to develop and implement comprehensive and coherent concepts for digital education that go beyond mere tooling and address the didactic, organizational and ethical aspects of using digital technologies in schools.

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Tags:  promisingpractice  



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