European Union
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Here you can find UNESCO publications developed as part of the YEM Project.


Publié:  2022 in United Kingdom

Enhance Digital Teaching Platform

UNESCO-UNEVOC Promising Practice

The Enhance Digital Teaching Platform is designed to help develop teaching and training practice through use of technology. The platform supports innovation in teaching and training to improve student outcomes and equip learners with the skills needed for the changing world of work, where technology use is becoming increasingly important.

The platform stemmed from the Education and Training Foundation’s realization that training for teachers on EdTech and digital skills was needed. The findings of ETF’s National Training Needs Analysis, carried out in 2017, had shown that 59% of training providers urgently needed training on how to use digital and other new technologies for teaching and learning.

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Tags:  promisingpractice   ift  

European Union

Stay in touch

UNESCO Education Sector
Section for Youth, Literacy and Skills Development
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris France

UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre
UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53173 Bonn, Germany



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