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Author/s:  Gita Subrahmanyam
Publié:  2022

Trends mapping study: Digital skills development in TVET teacher training

Digitalization has led to extensive changes in the skills required for work and life. For technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions to remain relevant and attractive, they need to identify and introduce digital skills and competencies for the changing world of work, and to better utilize the opportunities provided by digitalization, particularly distance learning. Their success in harnessing the benefits and tackling the challenges of digitalization largely depends on the digital capabilities of TVET teachers and trainers.

The study provides a snapshot of trends and challenges in TVET teacher and trainer digital skills development. Its findings – in terms of data, policy trends and the identification of good practice examples concerning TVET teacher training – will inform UNESCO-UNEVOC’s work in support of TVET teachers and trainers.

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